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Serge Demeyer / Publication (Details)

Last updated on Thursday, November 16, 2023

  author =        {Serge Demeyer and St\'ephane Ducasse and Robb Nebbe and
                   Oscar Nierstrasz and Tamar Richner},
  institution =   {University of Berne},
  month =         may,
  note =          {Technical Report},
  title =         {Using Restructuring Transformations to Reengineer
                   Object-Oriented Systems},
  year =          {1997},
  abstract =      {Applying object-oriented design methods and languages
                   does not guarantee that the resulting software
                   systems will be flexible and adaptable. The
                   industrial partners in the FAMOOS project have
                   learned this lesson the hard way: they are now faced
                   with large and rigid software systems that hamper
                   them in meeting a diverse and evolving set of
                   customer requirements. Object-oriented frameworks are
                   touted as a promising solution, but it is unclear how
                   to transform object-oriented legacy systems into
                   frameworks. This paper proposes an approach ---i.e, a
                   methodology and tools--- for re-engineering
                   object-oriented systems towards frameworks by means
                   of high-level and low-level restructuring
                   transformations that detect and resolve architectural
                   and detailed design anomalies, and improve
                   application flexibility and adaptability.},
  annote =        {techreport},

Serge Demeyer | Publications | E-mail Feedback